We Truck It All, Construction Trucking Los Angeles

Toy Drive – Help Us Load a Construction Truck for the City of Lynwood

November 30, 2017

Toy Drive

Toy Drive Lynwood California

Earlier this year, in preparation for further growth and expansion, we relocated our office to the city of Lynwood, CA.. Our mission is not only to work with the construction and infrastructure sector, but also to be heavily involved in our community. “It is the people that matter to us, be it our staff, our drivers, our families or the people of our community,” says Kelvin Monzon, President of Monzon and Son.

We pride ourselves on what we do; we pride ourselves in extending work opportunities and helping families grow. This toy drive is a small part of our overall mission to give back to the community. “It would give me great joy to present toys in one of our construction trucks to the city, light up the faces of children here and to make their Christmas an extra special one,” continues Kelvin.

Lizzette at Monzon and Son has been tasked to administer and receive all toys at our office at 2880 Norton Avenue, Lynwood, CA. For businesses wanting to participate, please note that all donations are tax deductible. Our deadline for donations is Thursday, December 7th, 2017. Simply come to our office, ask for Lizzette and drop off a check and/or as many toys as you are able.